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About Me, in Their Words

Now, let me pass the mic. This page hosts select interviews, articles, and awards that have recognized my work and commitment to the communities I serve.


"I was interested by the complexity of Larissa's presentation, and especially her acknowledgement that it is extremely difficult to approach this subject from a top-down, academic/management perspective, with the usual stats and tick-boxes to measure 'success'.


Is the goal to risk real structural change or to meet funding targets? A thought-provoking and challenging presentation.  I look forward to the follow-up sessions."


Presentation Participant, University of British Columbia, 2023

"I’ve spent this entire time reading your personal directions. I’m working through a re-definition of my leadership style as I deal with chronic pain from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and launching my business, and this feels like the best gift to consider how I might show up differently moving forward."


Presentation Participant, Indigenous Innovation Innitative, 2023

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"My son was only diagnosed with autism this year... It’s just been hard dealing with all the expectations of society and family: the “you must not be trying hard enough if you can’t get him to school," or the “you’re being way too nice to him, have to get tough and show him who’s in charge, take away his internet and devices and then he’ll go to school”...


"Your perspective just really hit home about the value and need for diverse perspectives, and the value of creativity, and the idea of decolonizing time...  I feel like your presentation gave me much more confidence to defend and explain the approach we’re taking. So thank you so much for that!"


Presentation Participant, Otafest, 2023

"The seasonal work schedule concept really stuck out to me. I've been reflecting as well on what energy levels look like throughout a day and how to communicate that with employers. As time goes by, I am accepting more and more that I am simply not someone who is able to sit still for hours at a time. The concept of productive time (colonial time) and needing rest to ultimately do work better really stuck as well.


I also loved your daughter's presence on stage, it actually helped me focus on your words having something to oscillate between the screens and her."


Presentation Participant, University of Alberta, 2023


"I truly loved the connection that you made between Mother Earth and all of the issues that affect us and have affected us as a world for centuries. I am a veteran of war and have PTSD among other issues from my time in service, so it really made an impact on me that your organization is composed of disabled people."


Presentation Participant, University of Texas, 2023



"I began following you while you were at York and I have deeply enjoyed and benefitted from having a window into your life and work. Words don’t adequacy capture the impact that you’ve had on me, and the immense joy you have brought me.


I think that I have learned more from you than most of my education, while motivating me to grow everyday.


You have given me a reason to love the world, by seeing the incredible things people like you do and being able celebrate your victories, large or small, alongside you. You also help me love being a woman in this world..."


Social Media Follower, 2023

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